
Marina Kotor, Marina Herceg Novi, Marina Budva, Marina Bar
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Marina Kotor nalazi se ispod srednjovjekovne tvrđave, s dubinom gata od 2,4 m do 7 m. Vremenski uslovi: Sjeverni vjetrovi (bura) i južni vjetrovi (jugo) mogu dostići snagu olujnih vjetrova, ali je luka dobro zaštićena od talasa.

Usluge: Voda i električna energija su dostupne i uključene u cijenu sidrenja. Benzinska pumpa nalazi se u marini.

Marina Porto Montenegro smatra se jednom od najboljih marina na Mediteranu. Mnogi pasionirani vlasnici brodova i kapetani odlučili su se da ovdje usidre svoj brod zbog brojnih dodatnih usluga i same lokacije marine. Za više detalja kliknite ovdje.

Marina Herceg Novi nalazi se ispod srednjovjekovne tvrđave. Dubine su od 7 m do 2,4 m.

Vremenski uslovi: Sjeverni vjetrovi (bura) i južni vjetrovi (jugo) mogu dostići snagu olujnih vjetrova, ali je luka dobro zaštićena od talasa.

Usluge: Voda i električna energija su dostupne i uključene u cijenu sidrenja. Postoji i benzinska pumpa.

Marina Budva nalazi se pored starog grada Budve, a dubina gata varira između 2-5 m (ispred starog grada) i 1,8-4 m na unutrašnjem gatu, dok dubina vanjskog gata varira od 2-5 m. Zgrada Lučke kapetanije i Carine takođe se nalaze u Marini Budva.

Vremenski uslovi: Marina je zaštićena od zapadnih i južnih vjetrova i talasa koji dolaze iz tih smjerova, sjeverni i istočni vjetrovi mogu dostići snagu olujnih vjetrova, ali nema talasa.

Usluge: Voda i električna energija su dostupne i uključene u cijenu usidrenja. Benzinska pumpa nalazi se na srednjem gatu.

UPOZORENJE: Luci treba prilaziti pažljivo s posebnim oprezom i smanjenom brzinom. Treba koristiti plovni put označen crvenim i zelenim bovama. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na podvodne stijene i olupine u području oko ostrva Sveti Nikola.

Marina Bar nalazi se na sjevernoj strani komercijalne luke Bar. Unutar marine nalazi se granični prelaz, a 100 m istočno nalaze se bolnica i zgrada lučkih vlasti. Dubina se smanjuje prema kraju marine od 6 do 2 m.

Vremenski uslovi: Marina je zaštićena od svih vjetrova osim sjevernih, nema talasa.

Usluge: Voda i električna energija su dostupne i uključene u cijenu sidrenja. Benzinska pumpa nalazi se na ulazu u marinu. Marina ima sve tehničke usluge, uključujući kran od 30 t i putni kran od 150

Marina Portonovi sa kapacitetom za smještaj jahti i superjahti do 120 m i zaklonjenom lokacijom unutar mirne Bokokotorske uvale, Portonovi nudi besprijekorno iskustvo usidrenja. Za više informacija kliknite ovdje.

Marina Lazure nalazi se na samom ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv. Prima 156 gatova za plovila do 24 m dužine i do 35 m za prolazni prevoz. Za više detalja kliknite ovdje.

Marina Luštica Bay nalazi se na poluostrvu Luštice. Kontinuirano se razvija a za primarni cilj ima pružanje izvanrednog iskustva. Po završetku, imaće ukupno 176 gatova za jahte do 45 metara. Za više detalja kliknite ovdje.

Kotor Marina

You’ll find Kotor Pier situated under the medieval fortress, with depths ranging from 2,4m to 7m.

Weather conditions: North wind (bura) and south wind (jugo) can blow up to gale force, but the pier is well protected from the waves.

Services: Water and electricity is available and is included in the berth price. Gas station is situated in the marina.

Porto Montenegro Marina

Porto Montenegro Marina is considered to be one of the best marinas in the Mediterranean. Many passionate boat owners and captains decided to choose its berthing & mooring options due to the advantages of its services and marina location itself. For more details click here.

Herceg Novi Marina

The pier is located under a medieval fortress. Depths are from 7m to 2.4m.

Weather conditions: North wind (bura) and south wind (jugo) can blow up to gale force, but the pier is well protected from the waves.

Services: Water and electricity are available and included in the berth price. There is a gas station as well.

Budva Marina

Situated next to the old town of Budva, the pier depth varies between 2-5m (in front of the old town) and 1,8-4m at the internal pier, while the external pier depth varies from 2-5m. The building of Harbour Authorities and the border crossing can also be found at Marina Budva.

Weather conditions: Marina is protected from west and south winds and waves coming from these directions, north and east winds can blow up to gale force but there are no waves.

Services: Water and electricity are available and included in the berth price. The gas station is situated at the middle pier.

WARNING: Harbour should be approached carefully with special attention and reduced speed. Fairway marked with red and green buoys should be used. Special attention should be paid to underwater rocks and wrecks in the area around the St Nicola’s island.

Bar Marina

The marina is situated at the north side of the commercial port of Bar. Inside the marina there is a border crossing and 100m eastwards there are the hospital and the building of harbour authorities. Depth reduces towards the end of marina from 6 to 2m.

Weather conditions: Marina is protected from all winds except northern, there are no waves.

Services: Water and electricity are available and included in the berth price. The gas station is situated at the entrance of the marina. The marina has all technical services including 30 t crane and 150 t travel crane.

Portonovi Marina

With capacity to accommodate yachts and superyachts of up to 120m and a sheltered location inside the tranquil Boka Bay, Portonovi offers a seamless berthing experience. For more info click here.

Lazure Marina

Lazure Marina is located at the very entrance of the Bay of Kotor. It harbours 156 berths for vessels up to 24 m in LOA, up to 35 m for transit sideways. For more details click here.

Lustica Bay Marina

The marina is located on the Lustica peninsula. It continues to grow with the primary objective of offering an exceptional experience. Upon completion, it will have a total of 176 berths for yachts of up to 45 meters. For more details click here.